Transnational Diversity+ Multiplier Events

As part of our stakeholder outreach strategy, Diversity+ partners hosted Multiplier Events across Europe to promote resources developed and, among others, engage with ECEC (Early Childhood Education and Care) experts…

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The Diversity+ Ambassador is born!

The article presents recent developments on the Diversity+ project and introduces a European Qualification profile (EQF Level 5) of the Diversity+ Ambassador active in Early childhood education and care environments, which is officially launched in July 2022. The article describes how the "European Qualification Framework of Diversity Ambassador in Early Childhood and Care (ECEC) environments” was developed and outlines the role of the Diversity+ Ambassador within the ECEC setting.

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Diversity+ project: mid-term achievements

The Diversity+ project has reached its mid-term phase. The Erasmus+ initiative looks to develop governance, benchmarking, recognition and professionalisation tools for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) professionals in order to understand and improve their current approach to diversity inclusion.

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