As part of our stakeholder outreach strategy, Diversity+ partners hosted Multiplier Events across Europe to promote resources developed and, among others, engage with ECEC (Early Childhood Education and Care) experts to develop scenarios for our interactive scenario Serious Game.

CIAPE hosted the first of these events in November 2021, serving as a starting point for the exploitation of project results and their mainstreaming in ECEC organisations. A keynote presentation to give a user perspective on ECEC provision was delivered, as well as an interactive workshop on how to use project resources. Fellow Italian partner and technical lead Link Campus also joined this event, previewing Serious Game scenarios. This event had an unexpected benefit of facilitating the formation of two new Erasmus+ partnerships, demonstrating the potential of such sectoral networking.

The Bulgarian event took place in September 2022, with a BFE staff member who is a psychologist able to offer a unique perspective on the project and facilitate a discussion on the importance of diversity inclusion. The attendees’ response was extremely positive, being impressed by the tools showcased. These stakeholders would also appreciate other practical resources (exercises, games, videos) related to diversity inclusion being developed.

Link Campus held its event the following month, with attendees including gender equality and inclusion specialists, ECEC decision makers and scholars, and students engaged in Serious Game development. This second Italian event was unique in involving foreign attendees, widening the scope of dissemination. The event included an expert panel discussion on inclusion, sustainability, and participation, as well as a thematic roundtable where content for an interactive game scenario on gender bias was developed. This event successfully adopted this dual approach, combining theoretical and practical content.

Schola Empirica held their event in November 2022 where Czech teachers and directors working in ECEC, as well as public representatives responsible for ECEC, exhibited a positive response to the project. These attendees would also appreciate practical off-line sources promoting ECEC diversity inclusion being made available.

The UK event also took place that month, including attendees involved in earlier project research and resource piloting. The Opportunity Centre staff demonstrated how the tools work and facilitated the brainstorming of ideas for additional game scenarios. The event also included a Q&A session where the host was able to signpost attendees to access the resources showcased. Crucially, this event reinforced the fact that many people are still uncomfortable with the idea of men working in ECEC, exposing that there is still a long way to go to fully embrace equality and diversity.

Škola Dokorán also hosted their event this past November, with Slovak attendees particularly impressed by the visual identity of Diversity+ and the playful approach taken. They also emphasised the importance of adapting interactive scenarios to local needs to reflect the situation in their country. They appreciated the functionality of the tools we have developed and requested practical tips on how to work with families to overcome prejudice.

The Dutch event took place the following month, attended by pre-service ECEC trainees. ISSA led an interactive session on the Footprint Assessment Tool where participants reflected on the topics it raises. The need to support trainees in fostering an understanding of equality and the importance of diversity inclusion in ECEC was also highlighted. The response from participants was encouraging, with trainees sharing plans on how to transform workplaces using Diversity+ resources.
After the hard work carried out to develop resources, Diversity+ partners savoured this opportunity to present the tools to European stakeholders and gain invaluable input as the project approaches its completion.
Author: Michael Miller, Project Officer, The Opportunity Centre (UK)